Wednesday 17 January 2018

Healthy Kisses in Atlanta

You may give your loved one a peck on the lips to express affection, welcoming, or gratitude. Before you pucker up on April 28 for National Kiss Your Mate Day, Dr. Bender would like to remind you of the dangers and benefits of kissing.

Harmful Effects of Kissing

Every time you lock lips, you are swapping the germs in your mouth. In fact, The Academy of General Dentistry reports that with just one kiss, couples share more than 500 different types of bacteria. Colds, flus, meningitis, mononucleosis, tooth decay, cold sores, and many other illnesses can be passed through mouth-to-mouth contact. However, your romantic partner isn’t the only person to blame for your infections. Oral bacteria are spread through family members, friends, teammates, and other people who share the same dishes, water bottles, and products that touch the mouth.

Advantages of Smooching

If both parties keep their mouths healthy, studies show that kissing can actually help your oral and overall health. Research shows that you burn about 26 calories in a one-minute kiss. When you engage in passionate kissing, your brain releases neurotransmitters that help reduce stress, calm your mind, and lower your cholesterol level. Additionally, exposure to your partner’s germs may help strengthen your immune system. Furthermore, kissing increases the flow of saliva, which is necessary for rinsing your mouth of harmful microbes.

How to Keep Kisses Pleasant

Kissing helps strengthen your emotional relationship, but bad breath and dry lips can be a total turnoff for your partner. Visit Dr. Bender to keep your breath fresh and your mouth hydrated so you’ll be ready for all those desirable smooches. Additionally, to prevent spreading or catching a disease from another person, avoid sharing saliva with someone who is sick or has an active sore around the mouth. You should also make sure both parties are practicing good oral care to reduce the amount of harmful oral bacteria.

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