Wednesday 29 November 2017

Brighten Your Smile at Home

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, many people wish they could brighten and whiten their teeth. Dr. Bender offers professional whitening, cosmetic bonding, and porcelain veneers to help brighten your smile, but here are a few ways you can whiten your smile at home.

Proper hygiene: 

Brushing and flossing daily will help remove the bacteria and food particles that darken your smile. Many types of toothpaste contain abrasive substances that can help remove surface stains. Whitening toothpastes have particles that are shaped differently than regular toothpastes to clean your enamel more deeply. It’s important to remember that toothpastes don’t actually change the shade of your enamel, but they help remove discolorations on the surface of your teeth. It’s also important to note that some of the abrasive substances can actually wear away your enamel.


Whitening strips, gels, and other systems are available at your local drugstore. Many over-the-counter whitening products use a peroxide gel to help remove stains and polish your teeth. These products are less expensive than other treatments. Although they take more time to see the desired results, if used properly, they will eventually brighten your smile. The downside is that over-the-counter treatments are not fitted personally for your mouth, increasing your risk of irritation and leakage.

Take-home trays: 

The most effective at-home whitening system uses custom-fitted whitening trays, supplied by your Atlanta dentist. The trays are fitted for your mouth and filled with a bleaching agent. You will wear the trays for a specified amount of time, brightening your smile in just a few weeks. Professional whitening kits contain a higher concentration of peroxide to whiten your smile more quickly than over-the-counter treatments. Keep in mind, however, that improper or long-term use of whitening trays can damage your teeth and gums.

Healthy diet:

 You can also brighten your smile by watching what you eat. Avoid consuming dark-colored foods and beverages, like coffee, soda, tea, blueberries, and other famous tooth-stainers. Instead, choose strawberries—which contain a tooth-whitening enzyme called malic acid—and crisp fruits and vegetables—which promote extra chewing and produce more saliva to help wipe away stains. You should also eat oily foods like cheese that create a coating across your teeth to block stains.

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